Wednesday, 1. April 2015
Meet Lorinda Kamel, Arab delegation

Source: Lorinda.jpg

Hello my name is Lorinda Kamel ,I am sixteen years old . I am a student at Hand in hand school I'm in the 10th grade I live in Jerusalem . I like to share my opinions and to hear what others opinions . and I love politics.sports is my oxygen!! I played tennis for one year.My hobbies are photography and soccer.

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Meet Victoria Makhoul, Arab delegation

My name is victoria makhoul but people call me vicky.
I am a feminist Palestinian teenager that lives in Jerusalem in a Jewish neighborhood.
I study at hand in hand school in 10th grade.
My inspiration is bringing smiles on the faces and joy in the hearts of those who are around me.
Expressing my thoughts and feelings is a verry important principle that i always go by.
Also health and sports are a very important part of my life, it makes me feel happy and good about myself.
I hope I'll enjoy this trip, learn from it and remember it for the rest of my life.
I look forward to meet new people, making new friends and visiting new beautiful places such as Austria.

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Meet Bisan Kadry, Arab delegation

I'm Bisan Kadry, i'm a 16 year old student in an interfaith school called Hand in hand. I took part of the leadership course in the Jerusalem international YMCA last year, but this year I started my russian lessons that took place during the same time as the leadership course so I had to give up on it. Both my parents come from different villages in the north, but I was born in jerusalem and i've lived here since. I really love drawing and painting and that's why i chose art to be one of my high school majors along with other classes. The other major I chose is biology -which I find really interesting- and that's because I aim to be a nutritionist when I grow up. I like meeting people from different cultures and societies, hope i get to do that in the peacecamp!

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