Monday, 27. April 2015
Meet Alexandra Lux, workshop talks4peace

Source: Alexandra.jpg

Hi everybody!
I´m Alexandra Lux. We will meet in Talks4Peace and I´m really looking forward to that. I met Evelyn and Ronny many years ago through Markus (who´s also part of our team). I visited Peacecamp several times and this year is the 3rd one where I work with the group.
I´m an Austrian high school teacher for Mathematics and History and I´m both interested as well in working on the issue of finding ways of living peacefully together (with having historical developments in mind) as well as in working with students.
In previous Peacecamps I found it always very enriching to find out about different point of views from the students, getting a little insight in the challenges in their daily lives and their opinions about peace issues. It´s a gift to see how the time at Peacecamp itself and sometimes even our work there has some impact on their opinions and their lives. And I´m pretty sure that this year will be a very special experience for all of us again.
I´ll participate only part-time in Talks4Peace actively as Markus and I have our little son with us. His name is Aaron, he´s 2 years old (2 years and 4 months to be precise ;-) and it´s his 3rd Peacecamp now, too. He loves playing football, hide and seek, making fun, talking,… He´s usually a little shy in the beginning and needs time to warm up. So don´t hesitate if you´d like to play with him, just keep it rolling! Oh yes, he loves words and talking! Would be fantastic if he´d learn some words in different languages from you.
See you soon!
P.S. I´m already so much looking forward to your films!!!!

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Meet Thomas Stern, workshop talks4peace

Source: Tommy.JPG

Thomas Stern, one of the talk4peace moderators,
hello everybody. peacecamp 2015 will be my third one, and I am really looking forward to it! I am a friend of Evelyn and Ronnie, and I like their concept of encouraging youngsters to develop their ideas of a better and more peaceful future. I am impressed by the results of past peacecamps and by the brightness, creativity and humour of the participants. Working with them, discussing, playing and brainstorming with them is fun for me and my teammates. How can we make the world a better place, more democratic, more just and equitable, more peaceful? I think society should enable everybody to develop his or her talents and live without fear and aggression. It is frustrating for me to see so many political conflicts that make people suffer but could be solved with a bit of good will and ingenuity, especially in the Middle East. I am critical of both Israeli and Palestinian politics.
I was born and live in Vienna. I am an ex-teacher of maths, physics and politics and now I work at a university in educational research and teacher training. My passion is listening to music, reading literature and travelling, meeting people and getting to know and understand different cultures, outlooks and perspectives …. And I am always eager to make new friends, why not in Lackenhof this summer?

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