Sunday, 10. May 2015
Charity Matinee in Vienna in favour of peacecamp 2015

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peacecamp 2015 in Lackenhof/Austria, July 5th – 15th, 2015
What to send * What to prepare * What to bring

What to send till March 28th

• All participants (pupils AND adults): Send a photo and a few lines about yourselves – who you are, your motivation, wishes and expectations from the peacecamp and what you intend to contribute to peacecamp. Please add if you play an instrument or what particular hobbies, talents and interests you have.
This information will appear in the blog
• “4 questions”: Send us your completely filled questionnaire (see attachment).
• Filled participation sheet with signature of your parents and your own signature
• Photocopy of a valid passport of each person (Adults and pupils – applies to groups from Israel only)

What to prepare for peacecamp

Individual preparation (each pupil)
• “my family, my roots”: Bring a documentation of the history of your own family with pictures, documents (copies!), stories, your family tree, etc.

Group preparation (each group)
• Culture Evening: Each group is asked to prepare an evening which conveys the characteristics of its own culture. You can use your own music, some of your favourite snacks, etc. to arrange an evening that can show what is important in your own group and culture. Note: No cooking for culture evenings!
• “talks for peace”: Each delegation is requested to prepare information and personal thoughts/opinions about the following topics: see document “talks4peace”. Please prepare posters with the main issues of your topics.

What to bring to peacecamp: see document “What to bring”

After the peacecamp

After the peacecamp each participant (adults and pupils) will be asked to fill and send us two more questionnaires and an essay – instructions will be given at a later date.

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