Wednesday, 26. November 2014
Israeli-Palestinian delegation: The Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem, described by its Arab-Palestinian pupils

We in “Hand In Hand” school studying Arab and Jews students together in the same classrooms, each of us learn the two languages Arabic and Hebrew.
We live the two life of Arab and Jews in one place OUR SCHOOL, we live the dream that the country rejects to make it true.
We share everyday the two society issues; we eat together Arab and Jews foods, celebrating Arab and Jews event’s days and visit our homes.
We understand that the politics make our life hard here in Israel/Palestine, politics people want us to hate each other and to kill each other, and because of that we try to live together in a small place that have a lot of love, understanding and the most important we accept the others that different of us.
Our faith is that peace make our life better, we need that to grow up in a healthy world.
