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peacecamp 2015: July 5th - 15th, 2015

peacecamp 2015 will take place in the Young Hotel Lackenhof. Lackenhof is a remote, tiny village in the Ötscher Mountains in Lower Austria, surrounded by mountains and forests, away from consumer society, a place that inspires calm and peace of mind. The last day will be spent in Vienna.

32 young people from four different communities and about twelve adults will participate in the peacecamp:

The peacecamp has a structured timetable consisting in a number of workshops, activities and recreation times.

All participants are requested to participate in all the activities and to provide feedback and assessment data upon request, at two different times before and after the peacecamp.

The aim of peacecamp
- to offer young people of different communities and societies an opportunity to meet and to get to know one another
- to offer opportunity to check images and fantasies about the other nations in the light of a real encounter with age mates from these nations
- to know and understand the current social, political and cultural reality of my own and the other participating nations
- to trace the personal, cultural, political, historical lines that led to the current situation of my own and the other countries
- to give young people tools for active citizenship
- to give young people opportunities to experiment with creative modes of problem-solving and with non-violent modes of coping with conflict

4 delegations of 8 pupils (age: 14 - 17 years):
- Hungarian delegation from the Szent László Gimnázium, Budapest
- Jewish-Israeli delegation from the Carmel Zvulun High School of Kibbutz Yagur
- Austrian delegation
- Palestinian-Israeli delegation from Hand in Hand School, Jerusalem

Adult staff:
- 1 accompanying teacher per group
- 2 artists/art therapists will lead art workshops, work on family albums, relaxation/meditation sessions
- 3 historians/teachers/educators – workshops “talks4peace”
- 1 group psychologist will lead the daily “large group-sessions”
- peacecamp-director
- 1-2 assistants

Requested Preparation

individual preparation
• “my family, my roots”: Each pupil is requested to bring a documentation of the history of his/her own family with pictures, documents, stories, etc.
• “4 questions”: Each pupil is requested to send us his/her questionnaire “4 questions” (see att.) on two different dates (will be notified).

group preparation
• culture evening: Each group is asked to prepare an evening which conveys the characteristics of its own culture.
• “talks for peace”: Pupils of each delegation are requested to prepare topics and to bring documentation (video film, poster) as listed in the document "assignments for talks4peace"

Suggestion for reading
• I shall not hate - Izzeldin Abuelaish
• We just want to live here - Amal Rifa’i and Odelia Ainbinder with Sylke Tempel
• The Diary of Anne Frank

General information about the peacecamp project

A video film was produced by our team during peacecamp which can be seen in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGfbq9C6SCo (teaser, 8 minutes)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMvw7JKkWng (48 minutes)

peacecamp 2014 the media: http://2014.peacecamp.net/tags/peacecamp%20in%20the%20media/

Vienna, August 2014
Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
Initiator and director of the peacecamp project

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peacecamp 2015: 5.-15. Juli 2015 in Lackenhof am Ötscher

In der Beschaulichkeit des Örtchens Lackenhof sollen sich 4 Gruppen von je 8 Jugendlichen und einem Lehrer aus vier verschiedenen Nationen (Israeli, Palästinenser, Ungarn, Österreicher), begleitet von Pädagogen, Psychologen, Historikern und Künstlern, Gedanken zum Thema Frieden machen.

Schon im Vorfeld sollen sie darüber nachdenken, was ihnen das Wort Frieden überhaupt bedeutet, was die Hindernisse zu einem friedlicheren Leben in ihrem jeweiligen Lebensraum sind, was sie bisher schon dazu beigetragen haben und was sie in der Zukunft dazu beitragen können, um ihre jeweilige Umwelt friedlicher zu machen.

Das peacecamp-Projekt ist ein Projekt zur Friedenserziehung; es soll Jugendliche dazu anregen, sich für ihre soziale und politische Umwelt verantwortlich zu fühlen, sich einzumischen, und zu aktiven Bürgern heran zu wachsen.

Die Teilnahme am peacecamp besteht aus drei Phasen:
- Vorbereitung unter Anleitung einer Lehrerin/eines Lehrers der eigenen Schule
- elf Tage peacecamp in Lackenhof
- Nachbereitung mittels Fragebögen (werden zeitgemäß versendet)

- Foto und kurze Selbstbeschreibung (erscheint im blog)
- Fragebogen „4 questions about peace“ (siehe Anhang)
- Anmeldeformular mit Unterschrift des Teilnehmers/der Teilnehmerin und des/der Erziehungsberechtigten
- Fotokopie des Reisepasses (Nur TeilnehmerInnen aus Israel)
Individuelle Vorbereitung
- „Meine Familie, meine Wurzeln“: Dokumentation der eigenen Familiengeschichte, Traditionen, Stammbaum, Migration, Familienlebens etc.
- Vorbereitung eines „Kulturabends“, die den anderen Gruppen das Besondere der eigenen Kultur/Nation/Religion vermitteln soll. Der Kulturabend soll unterhaltsam sein, aber auch Wissenswertes vermitteln. Es dürfen hier durchaus musikalische, dramatische, elektronische, kulinarische und andere „Schmankerln“ verkostet werden.
- „talks4peace“: siehe "assignments for talks4peace"

Zur Veranschaulichung einige Videos vom Vorjahr
in Eigenproduktion:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGfbq9C6SCo (teaser, 8 Min.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMvw7JKkWng (48 Min)

und in den Medien: http://2014.peacecamp.net/tags/peacecamp%20in%20the%20media/

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